Tree crown care and shaping works
  • Structural tree crown shaping (shape formation)

  • Reduction of the crown

  • Reduction of the crown part (unilateral reduction of the crown)

  • Reduction of the top of the crown

  • Artificial crown shaping

  • Tree crown cleaning

  • Tree crown lifting

  • Tree crown thinning

  • Restoration of old tree crowns

Tree bracing and crown stabilisation

Installation of a crown safety system (static or dynamic) - reduces the danger of the tree crown and the eliminates danger to the people, infrastructure and buildings in the surrounding area. The systems are installed on trees only after receiving evaluation of a qualified tree expert.

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Tree Conference Riga 2023
Tree Conference Riga 2023

Ar prieku paziņojam, ka LKAB - Latvijas Kokkopju - Arboristu biedrība sadarbībā ar Latvijas Valsts mežzinātnes institūts "Silava" un Latvijas valsts meži rīko šīs vasaras sākumā Rīgā, Vaiņodes ...


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