• Tree cutting when a tree sawing permit is issued (Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.309 "Noteikumi par koku ciršanu ārpus meža" 4. punkts)

  • We offer removal of trees when a building permit has been issued. The building project must show trees designated for removal, or volume of the trees that must be cut down, in accordance to Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.309 "Noteikumi par koku ciršanu ārpus meža" 7. punktu

  • Tree sawing without a tree sawing permit in accordance with Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.309 "Noteikumi par koku ciršanu ārpus meža" 5. punktu

  • Emergency tree cutting without a tree sawing permit in accordance with Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.309 "Noteikumi par koku ciršanu ārpus meža" 5.5 apakšpunktu un 6. punktu

  • Stump milling (for sawn tree)
  • Collection of sawn wood (for sawn tree)

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Tree Conference Riga 2023
Tree Conference Riga 2023

Ar prieku paziņojam, ka LKAB - Latvijas Kokkopju - Arboristu biedrība sadarbībā ar Latvijas Valsts mežzinātnes institūts "Silava" un Latvijas valsts meži rīko šīs vasaras sākumā Rīgā, Vaiņodes ...


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